Friday, January 4, 2008

What to do with all these ponies?

My husband and I have 6 full size horses for our own for riding. We have 5 boys, 3 of which are old enough to be more interested in girls and cars than horses. The fourth has about outgrown the pony stage and rides a full size Appaloosa mare. The fifth is almost two and will begin riding one of our soon to be six ponies this spring. The other five will need a job.

So, what shall we do with ponies who were purchased for children who so desperately wanted them and then lost interest, thus abandoning said ponies? The answer certainly isn't to sell the ponies to new families so that they will go through the same scenario. After all, even if the children never outgrow their love of horses they will surely outgrow the ponies in size.

So here lies the solution: we will lease the ponies out.

Not to make a profit, just to pay for their feed. In this manner, we can assure that the ponies are receiving the best care possible. That they are up to date with their farrier and veterinary care - things often overlooked by the novice pony owner. That they are receiving proper nutrition and are not subject to founder, colic or developing insulin resistance - common problems seen in the ponies of novice and not so novice owners. Many owners of full size horses aren't even aware of the extra caution needed in the care of a pony.

Included in the lease will be weekly lessons for the pony-crazed kids in pony care, safe handling, riding and driving.

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